Canine Fitness Month

Started in April 2017, it’s a whole month dedicated to improving the health of our four-legged friends (and maybe their pet parent’s too!).

Here at the Natural Dog Food Company, we want to help you make the most of it!

No matter what your dog’s current level of fitness, there are many fun and easy ways to get them moving more and hopefully, letting you share a big slice of the great outdoors together!

Upping your pet’s activity level and time outside is a great place to start, but there’s a simple change you can make at home, and that is to consider your dog’s daily diet. Ensure you’re feeding a nutritionally complete and carefully portioned meal to your dog – don’t forget to account for treats given through the day. What looks like a small snack to humans, might make a lot of difference to your dog’s daily calorie intake.

healthy dog-friendly treats to your shopping basket – perhaps a small serving of blueberries or crunchy carrot? You could even use some of their kibble taken from their daily feeding total!

An overweight pet is more likely to suffer with painful joints, breathing issues and decreased energy levels. So along with more exercise, consider adding a few

Don’t push too hard in the beginning – Start with shorter walk and increase gradually, take a new route for a change of scenery and let your dog enjoy the new sights, sounds and smells.

If it’s raining or you’re not feeling up to a long walk, playing fetch in the garden or tossing a ball at home still gets your pet moving.


Canine Fitness Month is a great excuse to bond with your pet and dogs love getting out of the house. They are at

their happiest when they are with you, so why not get out and get fit together?




For more information and tips on activities you can do with your dog and the health benefits to us, have a look at some other blog posts!

  • Running with dog
  • Walking month
  • Cycling with your dog





Don’t forget to keep in touch through our social media!
Facebook – naturaldogfoodcompany
Twitter – @Natural_DogFood
Instagram – naturaldogfoodc

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